Friday, July 27, 2007

A Terror threat or a publicity stunt?

Before you proceed read this link.

In a follow-up to IBN Live's report on a threat to assassinate Kalaignar M.Karunanidhi (because he refused to increase the minimum age requirement for TN police force from 24 to 29), this Blog has uncovered more information about the plot and its uncanny implication on Tamil Cinema. Al-Umma is often considered a terrorist organization. It has been reported on many occassions that members were involved in bomb-blasts in Coimbatore, murders in Tirunalveli and more recently accused of plotting to assassinate octogenarian Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

But in a year long investigation we discovered that the suppossedly terrorizing Jehadist outfit, is infact a very liberal, new-age Tamil music troupe that performs in South Indian weddings and on request, private New Year parties. "I cannot believe this nonsense that the media is reporting", says the troupe lead singer who wished to remain anonymous. "Al-Umma started when my sister's husband Allaudin left her 'talak, talak, talak' for another woman. You see 'Umma', comes from 'Ummah' that has been numerologically corrected by Gurnanda Swami Swami Swami. Al-Umma is 'Allaudin Ummah', the last words my sister told her husband." On interviewing the sister, who also wished to remain anonymous, we discovered that the music troupe began with the intention of singing in weddings hoping to find Allaudin who is a congenital polygamist. The sister is in fact, Allaudin's third wife.

"We were inspired by a women's rights NGO", she says. "They always say if a man can do it why not a woman? Then I saw this film in which the hero stops the heroine's wedding by singing their song. Why can a woman not do the same thing for one she loves, I thought".

Meanwhile on persuasion, Michael Edwily, a Professor of Sociology from University of Sussex (on sabbatical), said that this is not the first time that obvious expressions of love have been misused or misinterpreted for names of terror institutions. However, he refused to mention the first time such an misnomer has occured.

For the Tamil Film industry, where storylines depend heavily on existing police recruitment norms, the impact of Kalaignar's refusal to increase the recruitment age requirement, is pretty strong. Chiyaan Vikram, who has played a youngster waiting to join the police force in several movies said, "It is always harder to play 24 than 29. The heroines will have to be in high-school and there have already been two movies made with that concept." But another director-cum-screenplay-writer-cum-choreographer, said that it will actually be harder to write screen-play to cover the years since the hero left college until her joined the force. "What will I tell the audience who want to know what the hero did for 8 years?", he says in frustration. "Earlier he will finish M.Com and join police force. Now what? Should the script become illogical?".

Police commissioner as well as the Chief Minister's office has remain silent on this. An AIADMK MLA mentioned in passing that since the octogenarian will die of natural causes anyway shortly, the effort to organize an assassination plot is pretty unnecessary. He concluded saying that he will die for his 'Amma'. Closely related to this story, AIADMK had filed a defamation and copyright infringement suit against God-woman Amritanandamayi for misusing her title 'Amma'.

Coming back to the threat against the CM, spokesperson from another media-friendly terror outfit said that is very corny and in fact silly to make a treat to kill on 29th of a month when you want the age requirement to become 29. "That is so filmi", he said.

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

slightly long but hilarious parody news - Adi

Sushanth said...

funny .. ROFL.

Firebringer said...

:D Hilarious!

BTW - since when are you right brained? Aren't you right handed?